Monday, October 13, 2008


So I decided to get onto Facebook and I found lots of my old college friends. Its kinda cool. I haven't heard from them in a long time and its been great to talk to them again. I talk with Ryan, who was my knight when I was a young squire in Alpha Gamma Omega at Oklahoma Christian University, more than any other. One dayI discussed with him the song I was working on, which mentioned Jesus singing with us in heaven. Well, he has become very deep spiritually and threw something else at me that completely changes the feeling and meaning of the song. His quote was, " I think Jesus is singing with you right now, you simply need to listen for the voice." Wow was all I could say. With Joyful Noise we sing a song called I Lift My Heart, and in that song states, " I see your face, let me whisper in your ear." What if He is whispering in my ear? I think I need to hear His whispers more than I need to whisper in His ear. I have heard this idea many times in the past, but never really thought about it. If Jesus is whispering in my ear and all I have to do is simply listen for the voice, why don't I? Does He speak to me in song, in the wind, or in the thunder? If I could listen for it, how much would it change the way I live my life? Kinda cool to think about.

1 comment:

Cryssy said...

I would say yes, all of those. And even other ways. He is in all things. The problem I have is distinguishing His voice from all the little demons squeaking all around, especially inside my own head. Who is telling me what?