Monday, July 21, 2008

I'm Lazy

Okay it has been 4 months since I have written anything. This seems to be consistant in my life. I have a 6' X 3' painting I started for a friend of ours months ago for thier twins bedroom. They were born in June and the painting isn't done yet. I have several songs started, but not completed. I haven't finished cleaning the garage. I waited til the yard was about 8" high before I mowed it. What is the point of all this? I need some motivation. How do I get point to where I want to use my gifts instead of saying I have to use them? I'm LAZY. That is all it boils down to I guess. There is some good news, for me at least, Keith is coming back and our singing group is currently working on 2 brand new songs. Now when I say working on that means we introduced them to each other and tried to sing them maybe twice. VBS threw a big damper on things, but that isn't a very good excuse. Motivation, you got any I can borrow?