Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wasted Work?

So a couple of people here somehow found out I was an artist. Thats cool, sometimes. So they want to see some of my work, again cool sometimes. I work nights and there are very few people that know about this. Well, a couple mornings later a day shift guy knows aboout it and he says, "That's cool, I didn't know that about you." Well others hear this converstation and the next thing you know I'm getting, "Ooh, you're an artist, do you want to draw a tattoo for me?" Okay, I have seen some really good tattoos out there, but I don't really want to draw tattoos. Granted I don't do a whole lot with the talent I have now, and I drew a couple in tech school over six years ago for some friends, but that is not what I want to do. I guess I would atleast be doing something. Think about it, this art, what ever it may be, is going to be on someones body. We all know the flesh will not last so yeah the art will only last as long as the person does, but will it be seen. These people are in the military. They are requird to cover them up, and if any of it is showing, it can cover no more than 1/4 of the exposed skin otherwise they must wear long sleeved shirts or pants all the time while in any uniform. So the question to myself is, "Are tattoos a waste of art work?" Some would say no in a heart beat. I just don't know. I have art work, paintings, in my bedroom that no one really ever sees. Stuff I could probably sell fairly easily if I tried. That stuff is the same as a tattoo, right? I don't know. I've told these people no for now, but am I wrong?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Song Battles

I am currently deployed and have a few missions while I am gone. One being writing songs. The last time I was deployed that was no problem and I figured it would be the same this time. Well its not. This time I need to write songs for 2 groups with different styles. Why 2 groups? Well I decided to help a good friend of mine start another group. So now I need to write songs for Joyful Noise and for the new all men's group Reach. I'm not sure how to do it. How do you write in 2 different styles? The only way I can think to do it is to write one and see who likes it the most. Any suggestions?