Wednesday, January 23, 2008


So I get home from work today and I see this sitting on a table. I did this Sunday in about an hour. The problem is I did this not this passed Sunday, but the Sunday before, yep the 13th of Jan. I have this really big problem with starting a painting and either not finishing it or taking much longer than I need to. Cryssy gets on to me quite a bit for doing this. I currently have about 3 or 4 started paintings, not including this one, that are screaming for some attention. This is the start of a book cover for a friend of mine, who happens to be a minister. He is very anxious and excited about it. I should probably get it done fairly soon. Maybe this is my calling. Painting for book covers. Who knows. It's not that bad of an idea, is it?


Mary J said...

I think that is a great idea! You would have a deadline which could motivate reach the finish line. Also I could so see you painting things like Harry Potter covers that need lots of imagination.

Jackie said...

You know, people who write book really need a different cover to stand out. My book is doing okay because the cover is so loud and 'cutsie' (amazon - books- 'Jackie L Hutton' if you wanna see what I mean.)

Books covers are awesome to get started. I'm behind you.

Caryn H said...

He's going to love it. I can already tell you.

Courtney said...

The painting that you did for my brother of a scene at Arlington cemetary is a treasured piece of our family's. You are a talented fella. I think your minister fella will love it!

I would read the book. :)